PP C 30T | Polypropylene Copolymer 30% Talc

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PP C 30T | Polypropylene Copolymer 30% Talc

PP Copolymer is highly versatile, with many applications across different sectors. This PP (Polypropylene) with 30% Talc charge, is high density and is ideal for different projects and uses.

You can consult the different versions at Alser, PP (Polypropylene) with Talc at 0%, 10%, 20%, 40%. Or modified for high impacts, high MFI fluidity, etc.

This PP (Polypropylene) can also be treated for applications with thermal ageing and for pieces that are going to be painted. (For further details, information can be requested)

Uses of PP C 30T | Polypropylene Copolymer 30% Talc



  • Average fluidity 8 to 15
  • Medium impact

Recyclable Vs Reusable estrellas 4

granza pp negro polipropileno
granza pp gris polipropileno
granza pp blanco polipropileno
In our plastic recycling plant we have the machinery and capacity to produce PP C 30T | Polypropylene Copolymer 30% Talc in different colors and with different characteristics of flow and impact and / or loads.

Packaging (for other measurements and weight consult)


OCTAVINES 1000 800 500 K ENVASES ALSER copia 1
Weight Kg High m. Width m. Deep
A 1.000 2,30 1,20 1,20
B 800 1,85 1,20 1,20
C 500 1,60 1,20 1,20

Big Bag

BIGBAG 1100 800 500 K ENVASES ALSER copia
Weight Kg High m. Width m. Deep
A 1.100 2,00 1,20 1,20
B 800 1,70 1,20 1,20
C 500 1,50 1,20 1,20

Tanker truck

CISTERNA 20 25 30 TN
20 tn.
25 tn.
30 tn.

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